OTD 12: How to enable the required protocols TLSv1.0,1.1 and 1.2 from Fusion middleware control page:
Step 1: Log in to Fusion Middleware Control (EM).
Step 2: Click the WebLogic Domain button at the upper left corner of the page.
Step 3: Select Administration > OTD Configurations.
A list of the available configurations is displayed.
Step 4: Select the configuration for which you want to configure SSL/TLS-enabled listeners.
Step 5: Click the Traffic Director Configuration In the Common Tasks pane.
Step 6: Select Administration > Listeners.
Step 7: Select the listener for which you want to enable and configure SSL/TLS among HTTP listeners/TCP Listeners.
Step 8: The Listener Settings page is displayed.
Select Settings –> Advanced Settings –> SSL/TLS Settings.
The SSL/TLS settings page is displayed.
Step 9: Click Lock & Edit and you can check the required protocols.
Step 10: Click Apply
Step 11: Active Changes.
Step 12: Restart OTD services.